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Library Budget Information - 2024-2027 Budget Submission

London Public Library is essential municipal infrastructure that has been underfunded for years.


After years of baseline budgeting, the Library is at a crossroads as we struggle to maintain our facilities, to staff our branches appropriately and to find further efficiencies through technology and other innovations.


Through its 2024 to 2027 budget submission, London Public Library is seeking:


  • An annual 8.6% increase to our base operational budget to continue to maintain current services.
  • An additional 2.4% to enhance staff and patron security and safety, to support Londoners in need, to modernize our technological infrastructure, to expand our collections, and to implement diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.
  • A significant increase in our capital lifecycle renewal budget to help address our precarious facilities infrastructure.

Our Story


In a city of 180,000 households, more than 172,500 Londoners actively use their London Public Library card. The Library is a critical touchpoint in the lives of our community.


Every $1 invested in London Public Library produces $6.48 of economic value. Find our 2023 Economic Impact study below.


London Public Library is deeply embedded in London neighbourhoods and consistently earns the highest satisfaction rate of all City services, year after year, yet we receive one of the lowest funding rates per square foot in municipal operational support in Ontario.


Our Impact


At times like these, as the city grows and as more and more Londoners struggle with economic and societal challenges, the need for Library services, spaces and staff support continues to increase. We hear regularly from Londoners that they would be lost without the support of their Library. We heard it loud and clear during the Pandemic.


London Public Library is foundational for Londoners seeking support with early and adult literacy, digital literacy and technology learning, settlement services, finding important community information, and a feeling of belonging and connection to the City and to others.


London community organizations and agencies, including the City of London, rely heavily, and sometimes exclusively, on Library spaces and staff support to deliver their programs and reach Londoners where they are.


Those of us who have access to resources can sometimes forget how hard it is for those in our community who are without. London Public Library's resources ensure everyone in our community has a chance at success, whether this means finding a job, learning a new skill or enriching their lives.


Libraries are an upstream or preventative solution, especially for the many youth in our community who regularly spend time at London Public Library locations in their neighbourhood, benefiting from programs such as afterschool clubs and homework help and building relationships with trusted Library staff.

Hard decisions will have to be made that will impact London Public Library facilities and services if London Public Library infrastructure is not supported through increased funding.

What Can You Do To Help?



If you feel strongly about supporting London Public Library, we encourage you to contact your Ward Councillor and our Mayor to let them know that you support the Library's budget submission and to share why you believe the Library is critical municipal infrastructure worth funding.



Contact your Ward Councillor

Learn more about the City of London 2024 to 2027 budget process and timelines and find budget submissions on the City of London's Get Involved website.

Economic Impact of London Public Library


The programs and services provided by London Public Library deliver a strong return on investment and social value for the City of London.
In 2023, Brightsail Research conducted an in-depth analysis of London Public Library and the results determined that every $1 invested in London Public Library produces $6.48 of economic value.



London Public Economic Impact Study 2023 Conducted Spring/Summer 2023 by Brightsail Research  Every $1 invested in LPL produces $6.48 of economic value. Direct Benefits are $82,499,673  Direct Spending is $23,691,421 Indirect Benefits are $47,382,842 Total Economic Benefit is $153,573,936 Library Direct Spending, 2022 is $23,691,421

OVERDUE: The Crucial Role Of Canada's Public Libraries


OVERDUE is a report released in October, 2023 by the Canadian Urban Institute and the Canadian Urban Libraries Council (of which London Public Library is a member) that details the significance of public libraries for Canada’s post-pandemic recovery, competitiveness, and resilience and calls for renewed and diversified investment.


Findings in the report show, that by providing critical supports – access to knowledge, culture, health, reconciliation, belonging, and our democracy – Canada’s public libraries are quietly fulfilling the core mandates of every order of government. The research sheds light on the crucial role Canada’s public libraries play in enabling governments to meet their obligations and strengthen the common good. 


The report provides recommendations for public policymakers to instill positive change: 


  1. Relieve current operational pressures to ensure libraries remain safe, accessible, and welcoming libraries to everyone. 

  1. Treat libraries as critical infrastructure where community resilience is strengthened through funding of libraries to deliver government priorities. 

  1. Formalize sustainable investment streams that recognize their expanding role.  

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