Blind and low-vision patrons
- JAWS for Windows - reads onscreen text aloud
- Kurzweil 1000 - converts scanned text into speech and reads it aloud
- Duxbury Braille Translation (DBT) - convert text files into Braille
- ET Braille printer - embosses Braille onto card stock paper in a variety of formats
- ZoomText - computer screen magnification software (all Library locations)
- Optilec Clear View series - high quality magnifiers of print, available in black and white, and colour displays
Physical Alternatives
- Adjustable Workstations
- Ergonomic Keyboard
- Kensington Trackball
- Penny and Giles Joystick
- Large Print Keyboard
- Keyguides

Additional Collection Formats Available
- Books on CD/Audiobooks
- Talking books for children
- Daisy books
- Books in Braille for children
- Books on tape for children
- American sign language
- Closed-captioned videos
- Large Print Book Collection and DAISY Books

Communication Boards for Users of AAC
"Libraries for All" is a joint project between London Public Library and Thames Valley Children's Centre. Communication boards are available in all libraries for patrons who cannot talk or have speech that is difficult to understand. Copies of the communication boards are available here in .pdf format.

Hard of Hearing
Assistive Listening Systems for the hard of hearing are available for programs in Meeting Rooms at the Central Library and at branches. Some lead time is required. Call our Wolf Performance Hall and Meeting Space office at 519-661-5120.
A variety of other accommodations, such as ASL interpreters, are available, in consultation with staff. Two weeks' lead time is necessary to book those services.