Grant Connect

Grant Connect includes only those foundations and corporations whose main activity is grantmaking and whose funds are disbursed to a variety of organizations. It provides contact information, website, application procedures, funding interests and granting region for each foundation.

By using this service, you accept this service’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


Good to Know


  • Can only be used on site at the library
  • Updated daily and provides accurate information, deadline dates, guidelines and procedures
  • Provides access to more than 11,000 Canadian foundations, 560 corporate giving programs, 370 government grant programs, and 120 American foundations that make grants to Canadian organizations, as well as more than 200 other kinds of grant opportunities
  • Historical financial data comes directly from the CRA 


Getting Started


To get started, you will need to be on site at a Library using either one of the computers or joining the LPL Public WIFI.


Using the Database


After logging on, you can do a general search by entering your keywords into the search bar at the top of the page.  If you want to narrow your search, do so by using the filters available on the right-hand side. Limiting your search by cause, region and / or type of support, will help you find the best funder for your cause. 

You can also browse the list of funders, sorting the results by name, median gift, deadline and capacity.

Once you have found some potential funders, you can see more information about their organization by clicking into their profile including their contact information, funding programs, gift analysis and links to their website.


Need Help?


For more help, please visit Grant Connect’s help section


Privacy and Terms of Use


Grant Connect is a third-party service whose policies concerning privacy and user information differ from that of the London Public Library. For more information, please read Grant Connect’s Privacy Policy.