woman sitting on chair holding tablet

Health and Wellness

Looking for information about a drug, disease or health condition? This database contains consumer health information including easy to understand fact sheets and access to authoritative information on a full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.

By using this service, you accept this service’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Good to Know


  • This database tends to provide information from American sources including the FDA.
  • Easy to understand information about diseases and conditions including causes, diagnosis, risks factors and treatments.
  • Continuously updated to ensure you have access to the very latest information.
  • Contains educator resources including a quick link to share content to Google Classroom.
  • Shareable bookmark links are shareable to non-users and can be easily embedded onto a website or in other materials.
  • Provides citation information including APA, MLA, Chicago and Harvard.
  • Email, download or print your results.
  • Text to speech technology increases access and audio clips can be downloaded to a mobile device.
  • On-Demand translation available for articles and interface.



Getting Started


To get started, you will need to have the following:

You can use this product on your computer or you can download the app Access My Library.



Download the App


Download the Access My Library app on iOS 13.0 or later or Android 6.0 or up.

You will need to allow the app to use your location in order to Find Your Library.



Using a Computer


Once you have logged on, you can use the search box to find articles and information on your topic.  Other search options including using Advanced Search or to Browse Topics.

When you click into an article, you are then able to download, save, print or email it.  The database will also suggest other articles and related subjects within the clicked on resource.



Need Help?


For more help, please visit the Help section available at the bottom of any page in the database.



Privacy and Terms of Use


Gale is a commercial service whose policies concerning privacy and user information differ from that of the London Public Library. For more information, please read Gale’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.