Community Stories: Beacock Branch Library

Taffy Maposa holding two books at Beacock Branch Library.

Where Every Visit is a New Story


At the Library, every interaction has the power to create lasting change. It's in those small, everyday moments—where a librarian listens to a patron’s story or a child discovers the magic of a new book—that our values truly shine.


We recently caught up with Taffy Maposa, a dedicated Library Assistant who has spent a decade with London Public Library.

Taffy Maposa smiling at the library.


As a child she loved visiting her school library to pick out her own books. Taffy’s love for reading began with the adventurous world of Where the Wild Things Are and the comedic nature of Captain Underpants. Now working at a Library, she hopes to not only inspire that same love for reading in others, but to make a positive difference with each person she meets.


Reflecting on her six years at Beacock Branch Library, Taffy shared some memorable moments.


Moments like when a patron asked for help scanning a resume for a job application. “We have patrons who come in and need help with printing or photocopying, and it can be a bit daunting,” explained Taffy. She patiently guided the patron through the process and made sure everything was perfect. A week later, the patron came back in and told Taffy, “I got the job! I got that job and you helped me!”


Or when years ago, a young girl approached Taffy, hungry and in need of a snack. Taffy quickly found something to offer her. Later, the girl asked about job opportunities at the Library. Although Beacock Branch didn’t have any openings at the time, Taffy suggested she apply for a position as a Library page at another branch. The girl left Taffy a note saying, “Thank you so much for caring about me.” A few months later, she returned with exciting news that she had been hired at our Cherryhill Branch.


Just this morning, a young boy came in looking for Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Taffy helped him find a few books on the shelf, but he seemed unsure. Remembering several books in that series had been returned earlier, she checked them in and brought them over to him.


His face lit up as he checked out the whole collection, and with a big smile he said, “You know, you’re doing a great job!”


Taffy’s experiences highlight why moments like these are so special. As she puts it, “One small action can have a big impact on someone’s life. I’m always here to help when people need it. I may not always see the full impact, but I know if I can offer support or share a skill, it means a lot.”


So next time you visit, keep in mind: while the Library is a fantastic place to discover and borrow books, it’s also so much more. It’s a warm and inviting space, a true community hub where real connections are made. The Library is a place where every moment matters, and every person matters.